Planning 2010

Planning Application

PP/10/03018: Holland Park School Southern Side, Campden Hill, LONDON, W8 7AF

Proposed Development: Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of site for residential use (Class C3) comprising 69 units together with provision of new hard and soft landscaping, ancillary leisure facilities, car parking, new vehicular access with other associated and enabling works.

This is the school playground site (see below). Public consultation is now underway and the drawings and plans can be viewed online at
or you can ask to see them at the Town Hall.
All comments and objections should be made before 22 October in writing or by email to the Case Officer, Mr Derek Taylor, at:
Planning and Borough Development Department
Town Hall
Hornton Street
W8 7NX
Tel: 020 7361 3012
[Autumn 2010]

Holland Park School Playground Site

The new owners of the playground site, to the south of the school buildings and immediately to the east of Holland Walk and the Park boundary, have been consulting with interested parties during the course of the summer. The Friends, local residents' groups and The Kensington Society have all been included in these discussions and you might well have seen the proposed plans at an exhibition at The Royal Garden Hotel.

You will recall that when planning permission was approved for the new school, consent was also granted for a residential block of high specification apartments to be built on the school's playground to pay for the school's redevelopment. We always expected that the eventual owner/developer would want to make changes to the consented building, and that is exactly what is happening. Depending upon one's viewpoint the changes now being proposed will either be seen as improving the original plan, or making a bad decision even worse.

The developers have listened to The Friends' case that maintaining the integrity and tranquillity of the Park, in particular the North Lawn, is of paramount importance to people's continuing pleasure in, and enjoyment of, the Park. Looking at the revised proposals purely from the Park's perspective (which is all we can do as The Friends), we are optimistic that the Park will not be overlooked and that the outline of the new building will only be visible through the trees during the winter months, and then only very slightly.

A planning application is anticipated during September. As soon as we hear of it we will ensure notification is posted on our website. Please take the time to study the details, and if you are not happy with what is being proposed, from whatever your particular standpoint might be, register your concerns with the Planning Department at RBK&C during the consultation period.
[Autumn 2010]
Holland Park School Playground Site When planning permission was granted for the new Holland Park School, it was also given to a soulless, monolithic, luxury apartment block to be built on the school's playground, just a few metres from the Park boundary. The new owners/developers, Native Land and Grosvenor, are trying to improve it, which is excellent. However, there are indications that they also wish to increase the building height and the risk is that the new block will be visible above the trees from the Park's North Lawn. This would be a disaster. The North Lawn at present is not overlooked and no buildings outside the park can be seen from the North Lawn. It is a beautiful, tranquil green space, much enjoyed and valued by Friends and visitors wanting to get right away from the hustle and bustle of the outside world for a little while. We must ensure it is not spoilt forever.

Please visit the public exhibition of the developer's new plans to be held in the Westminster Suite of the Royal Garden Hotel on 15th and 16th July between midday and 8.00 pm and if you are not satisfied with their plans, register your concerns with them and be ready to object when the planning application is lodged. Our website will keep you up to date on likely timings. [Summer 2010]