Woodland Management | We have had a number of queries about the clearing going on in the East Arboretum which is the enclosure between Acer Walk and the school gate. The word "devastation" has been used and worries expressed on behalf of bird life and wild flowers. So it might surprise members that the Friends were consulted beforehand and agreed that this was a useful way forward. Here's why.
Nature only stands still when the vegetation climax is reached. In England this often means full-grown trees making a closed canopy which allows little light to reach the nearly bare ground. Few flowers grow, and nesting places are available high up in the trees which suit some birds but not in scrub which suits others. If the trees have started far enough apart, magnificent specimens can develop, but where self-sown seedlings have crowded together they remain short and thin.
We have had some great red, white and blue shows of campions, cow parsley and bluebells but recently these were declining due to encroachment by coarser weeds. Now park staff are hoping to sow a mix of grass seed specifically chosen to encourage insects which will in turn provide food for birds. For instance, green woodpeckers which love turf undisturbed by people might well change from the occasional visitor to breeding residents. The wild flowers will again spring up, mowing taking place in late summer. Less common trees such as the fern-leaved beech, the handkerchief tree, and the Keaki with its close relative, the witch's broom of the Caucasian Elm, will have space to develop. In future years, there will be scrub clearances and coppicing in other enclosures but the objectives will be more focused on producing high quality woodland. There are now sizeable patches where the only trees are self-sown sycamores or robinia. With these cleared, we can plant specimen trees which have a chance to provide the giants of the future. Scrub around them can be cut back about every five years thus giving some periods when herbs can flower and trees have less competition. A good proportion of cut logs will be stacked to make homes for invertebrates. At any one time, 80% of the woodland will have scrub not cut that year and able to provide privacy and nesting sites for birds like long-tailed tits and chiffchaffs.
We would urge you to consider this programme not as creeping municipalisation but as an informed effort at woodland management. [Spring 2009] |