Report on the 2024 AGM 

A record number of members attended the AGM this year, with some 70 wanting an update on park matters and keen to participate with questions and comments. All votes were carried.

·  Minutes of the 2023 AGM were approved

·  Accounts for 2023 were approved and have since been filed with the        Charity Commission

·  All trustees standing were re-elected: Jennie Kettlewell (Chairman), Silvi Spassov (Treasurer), Rhoddy Wood (Secretary), Nigel Brockmann (governance), Graham Franklin (member database), Sandra French  (art exhibition), Nicholas Hopkins (website), Joy Puritz (editor). 

·  Roger Foreman was re-elected as independent examiner

Nicholas Hopkins reported on achievements in 2023: repairs to the damaged terra cotta bricks, retouching of the surface of the marouflage paintings under the Iris Garden arcade, border hedging for the woodland enclosures, installation of 50 bird boxes and continuation of the proactive tree health programme.

 Rhoddy Wood reported that 100 members had joined since the 2023 AGM but that members failing to renew in January meant the net increase was just 15. She encouraged members to pay by standing order if they did not already do so. 

Chairman, Jennie Kettlewell, explained the continuing challenges of high visitor numbers resulting in erosion of grass and compaction of ground, for which there is no simple solution. Action is being taken to improve the area round the Walking Man statue. Drought and torrential rain will be managed through a water-management plan. Current projects are conservation of the murals and the Old Dairy. JK informed members about the current licensing application for the Café, which was a concern due to proposed late opening. She said this may be misleading as the lease stipulated closure when the park closes, save for some 10 events p.a. Members asked JK to respond to the application by saying the condition for not objecting was the existence of the lease.

Thanks were given to the French family for another highly successful art exhibition, to the trustees for their dedication to running the charity, to president Eric Ellul for his support and to the members for their loyalty, without which The Friends could not operate.

[May 2024]